• Creates a Verifiable Presentation from one or more Verifiable Credentials.


    • args: {
          credentials: VerifiableCredential[];
          holder: Did;
          validFrom?: string | Date;
          validUntil?: string | Date;
          verifier?: string;

      Object holding all function arguments.

      • credentials: VerifiableCredential[]

        Array of one or more Verifiable Credentials.

      • holder: Did

        The DID or DID Document of the holder of the credentials in the presentation, which also signs the presentation.

      • Optional validFrom?: string | Date

        A Date or date-time string indicating the earliest point in time where the presentation becomes valid. Represented as issuanceDate on the presentation.

      • Optional validUntil?: string | Date

        A Date or date-time string indicating when the presentation is no longer valid. Represented as expirationDate on the presentation.

      • Optional verifier?: string

        Identifier (e.g., DID) of the verifier to prevent unauthorized re-use of the presentation.

    Returns Promise<VerifiablePresentation>

    An unsigned Verifiable Presentation containing the original VCs.