

@context: ["https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1", "https://www.kilt.io/contexts/credentials"]

References to json-ld contexts defining the terms used.

credentialSchema: JsonSchema2023

Contains json schema for the validation of credentialSubject claims.

credentialStatus: KiltRevocationStatusV1

Contains credentials status method.

credentialSubject: CredentialSubject

Claims about the subjects of the credential.

Contains information that can help to corroborate trust in the issuer.

id: `kilt:credential:${string}`

Credential identifier.

issuanceDate: string

When the credential was issued.

issuer: Did

The entity that issued the credential.

nonTransferable: true

If true, this credential can only be presented and used by its subject.

Cryptographic proof that makes the credential tamper-evident.

type: (`kilt:ctype:0x${string}` | "VerifiableCredential" | "KiltCredentialV1")[]

The credential types, which declare what data to expect in the credential.