Function getStoreTx

  • Create a DID creation operation which includes the information provided.

    The resulting extrinsic can be submitted to create an on-chain DID that has the provided keys as verification methods and services.

    A DID creation operation can contain at most 25 new services. Additionally, each service must respect the following conditions:

    • The service ID is at most 50 bytes long and is a valid URI fragment according to RFC#3986.
    • The service has at most 1 service type, with a value that is at most 50 bytes long.
    • The service has at most 1 URI, with a value that is at most 200 bytes long, and which is a valid URI according to RFC#3986.


    • input: GetStoreTxInput

      The DID keys and services to store.

    • submitter: `4${string}`

      The KILT address authorized to submit the creation operation.

    • signers: readonly SignerInterface<string, string>[]

      An array of signer interfaces. A suitable signer will be selected if available. The signer has to use the authentication public key encoded as a Kilt Address or as a hex string as its id, or alternatively the authentication key id of the light DID to be upgraded.

    Returns Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic>

    The SubmittableExtrinsic for the DID creation operation.