• Based on an existing keypair and its type, creates all available signers that work with this key type.

    Type Parameters

    • Id extends string


    • input: {
          id?: Id;
          keypair: KeyringPair | MultibaseKeyPair | Keypair;
          type?: string;

      Holds all function arguments.

      • Optional id?: Id

        Sets the signer's id property.

      • keypair: KeyringPair | MultibaseKeyPair | Keypair

        A polkadot KeyringPair or combination of secretKey & publicKey.

      • Optional type?: string

        If keypair is not a KeyringPair, provide the key type here; otherwise, this is ignored.

    Returns Promise<SignerInterface<KnownAlgorithms, Id>[]>

    An array of signer interfaces based on the keypair and type.