Variable selectConst

select: {
    byAlgorithm: ((algorithms) => SignerSelector);
    byDid: ((didDocument, options?) => SignerSelector);
    bySignerId: ((ids) => SignerSelector);
    verifiableOnChain: (() => SignerSelector);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • byAlgorithm: ((algorithms) => SignerSelector)
      • (algorithms): SignerSelector
      • Select signers based on algorithm identifiers.


        • algorithms: readonly string[]

          Allowed algorithms to filter for.

        Returns SignerSelector

        A selector identifying signers whose algorithm property is in algorithms.

  • byDid: ((didDocument, options?) => SignerSelector)
      • (didDocument, options?): SignerSelector
      • Select signers based on the association of key ids with a given DID.


        • didDocument: DidDocument<DidUrl>

          DidDocument of the DID, on which the signer id must be listed as a verification method.

        • options: {
              controller?: string;
              verificationRelationship?: string;
          } = {}

          Additional optional filter criteria.

          • Optional controller?: string

            If set, only verificationMethods with this controller are considered.

          • Optional verificationRelationship?: string

            If set, the signer id must be listed under this verification relationship on the DidDocument.

        Returns SignerSelector

        A selector identifying signers whose id is associated with the DidDocument.

  • bySignerId: ((ids) => SignerSelector)
      • (ids): SignerSelector
      • Select signers based on (key) ids.


        • ids: readonly string[]

          Allowed signer/key ids to filter for.

        Returns SignerSelector

        A selector identifying signers whose id property is in ids.

  • verifiableOnChain: (() => SignerSelector)