Interface TransactionHandlers


  • TransactionHandlers


  • Produces a transaction that can be submitted to a blockchain node for inclusion, or signed and submitted by an external service.


    • Optional options: {
          didNonce?: number | BigInt;
          signSubmittable?: boolean;

      Options map to allow for named arguments.

      • Optional didNonce?: number | BigInt

        Allows explicitly setting the nonce to be used in DID authorization.

      • Optional signSubmittable?: boolean

        If set to true, this signs the transaction with the submitterAccount, which covers transaction fees. In this case, if no signer is available for this account, the function throws.

    Returns Promise<{
        txHex: `0x${string}`;
        checkResult(result) => Promise<TransactionResult>;

    A Promise resolving to an Extrinsic object (encoded transaction).

  • Submits a transaction for inclusion in a block, resulting in its execution in the blockchain runtime.


    • Optional options: {
          awaitFinalized?: boolean;
          didNonce?: number | BigInt;

      Options map to allow for named arguments.

      • Optional awaitFinalized?: boolean

        If set to true, this waits for finalization of the block of inclusion before returning.

      • Optional didNonce?: number | BigInt

        Allows explicitly setting the nonce to be used in DID authorization.

    Returns Promise<TransactionResult>

    A Promise resolving to the DID document and info on the success of the transaction.