Type alias FailedDereferenceMetadata

FailedDereferenceMetadata: {
    error: "invalidDidUrl" | "notFound" | "invalidVerificationRelationship";

Type declaration

  • error: "invalidDidUrl" | "notFound" | "invalidVerificationRelationship"

    The error code from the dereferencing process. This property is REQUIRED when there is an error in the dereferencing process. The value of this property MUST be a single keyword expressed as an ASCII string. The possible property values of this field SHOULD be registered in the DID Specification Registries [DID-SPEC-REGISTRIES]. This specification defines the following common error values:

    • invalidDidUrl: The DID URL supplied to the DID URL dereferencing function does not conform to valid syntax. (See 3.2 DID URL Syntax.).
    • notFound: The DID URL dereferencer was unable to find the contentStream resulting from this dereferencing request.
    • invalidVerificationRelationship: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/did-spec-extensions/pull/21.