Type alias ResolutionDocumentMetadata

ResolutionDocumentMetadata: {
    canonicalId?: Did;
    deactivated?: true;

Type declaration

  • Optional canonicalId?: Did

    DID document metadata MAY include a canonicalId property. If present, the value MUST be a string that conforms to the rules in Section 3.1 DID Syntax. The relationship is a statement that the canonicalId value is logically equivalent to the id property value and that the canonicalId value is defined by the DID method to be the canonical ID for the DID subject in the scope of the containing DID document. A canonicalId value MUST be produced by, and a form of, the same DID method as the id property value. (e.g., did:example:abc == did:example:ABC).

  • Optional deactivated?: true

    If a DID has been deactivated, DID document metadata MUST include this property with the boolean value true. If a DID has not been deactivated, this property is OPTIONAL, but if included, MUST have the boolean value false.